Future Food

What is the Future of Food? CEO of Agtech's 1st Unicorn David Friedberg Offers His Vision

Episode Summary

For entrepreneurs and investors in the agtech startup space, David Friedberg is a major celebrity. When he sold his startup The Climate Corporation for $1 billion in 2013 - achieving that elusive "unicorn" status - he put the category on the map. David now has an investment company The Production Board. David is a visionary - the insights he offers on what & how we will be eating in the future are inspiring, exciting, if perhaps a little scary. I hope you enjoy this special first edition of Future Food!

Episode Notes

For entrepreneurs and investors in the agtech startup space, David Friedberg is a major celebrity. When he sold his weather data startup The Climate Corporation to Monsanto for $1 billion in 2013 - achieving that elusive "unicorn" status - he put the category on the map. Ever since, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists have flocked to apply the latest in technology to the food and agriculture industries in an effort to cure it of its many woes, including climate change, obesity and the dominance of a few mega agrifood businesses globally.

Since selling Climate Corp, David became an investor himself, quietly building a portfolio of companies from fark to fork for his investment company The Production Board over the last five years.

This episode is my exclusive conversation with David where he revealed further details about The Production Board and offered his vision for the future of food.

David is a visionary and the insights he offers on what and how we will be eating in the future are inspiring, exciting, if perhaps a little scary.

I hope you enjoy this special first edition of Future Food!